Online Marketing Services
U.S. ecommerce sales reached $1.03 trillion in 2022, passing $1 trillion for the first time ever.
China is the largest e-commerce market globally, generating almost 50 percent of the world's transactions.
The main concern now is not the marketing budget, but how to allocate that budget.
Optimizing ROI across marketing channels is a top priority.

Across Major Lifestyle Categories
We have 10000+ Influencers
The influence of social media has significantly impacted consumer behavior, with a growing number of individuals altering their shopping habits and relying on influencers for purchasing decisions. This trend is particularly prominent among the younger generation, specifically those born after the year 2000, as an impressive 70% actively embrace and engage with influencer-led shopping experiences.
Our Specialty
2x the conversions = 2x the revenue
Across Major Lifestyle Categories
We have 10000+ Influencers
The influence of social media has significantly impacted consumer behavior, with a growing number of individuals altering their shopping habits and relying on influencers for purchasing decisions. This trend is particularly prominent among the younger generation, specifically those born after the year 2000, as an impressive 70% actively embrace and engage with influencer-led shopping experiences.
Need Smarter Dollars on Social Media
Efficiently create, oversee, and evaluate your Marketing endeavors across various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, etc. With CHCH, brands can achieve greater results while minimizing effort and resources.

Number of Social Media User Identities
Quarter-on-Quarter Change in Socail Media User Identities
Year-on-Year Change in Social Media User Identities
2H 24M
Average Daily Time Spent Using Social Media
Average Number of Social Platforms Used Each Month
Social Media User Identities vs. Total Population
Socail Media User Identities Aged 18
+ vs. Population Aged 18+
Social Media User Identities vs. Individuals Using the Internet
Female Social Media User Indentities vs. Total Social Media User Identities
Male Social Media User Indentities vs. Total Social Media User Identities
- This chart, by Datareportal, summarises the importance and growth of social media today.
How many people use social media?
- According to the Datareportal April 2023 global overview, we can see that social media growth has continued to increase:
- More than half of the world now uses social media (60%)
- 4.80 billion people around the world now use social media, 150 million new users have come online within the last 12 months
- The average daily time spent using social media is 2h 24m.
Which are the most popular social networks?
- Meta owns three of the top four social media platforms, and while Facebook has the highest overall usage, it's crucial for brands to consider demographic-specific usage trends. TikTok's impressive growth persists, with 1.4 billion monthly active users in 2022 and an estimated 1.8 billion by the end of 2023.
- There is a wealth of opportunities to effectively reach, engage, convert, and connect with social media users. Astute brands strategically utilize social media throughout the entire marketing funnel, from product discovery to initial purchases, fostering loyalty, and driving advocacy.
The World's Most Used Social Platforms
How Brand Discovery Happens?
One of the key obstacles in social media marketing is its inherent nature of being a platform for peer-to-peer interactions among friends, families, and colleagues. Considering this, brands need to be mindful of their approach to using social media.
Insights from GWI highlight the significant impact of social media on brand discovery and purchase decisions. These insights emphasize the relative importance of advertisements, recommendations, and updates on business social media pages in driving brand discovery.
Some Research eSSENTIALS
% of internet users who mainly use the following when looking for more information on brands
Message Board
/Live Chat Service
(e.g. Twitter)
% of internet users who typically find out about new brands/products via the following
on Social Media
on Social Media
Social Media
Experts Bloggers
Celebrities or
Well-Known Individuals
Messaging Apps